Industry, Innivation and Sustainability Science Cluster supports research efforts leading to innovative and sustainable solutions to problems relevant to industry and society. IISS intends to achieve cohesion and interactions among fragmented research activities in key areas in order to enhance the prospects of solving challenging problems, which are often interdisciplinary in nature. IISS is committed to build collaborative linkages between UM researchers and industrial partners.
Health and Well-Being Cluster aims to foster interdisciplinary research programmes that initiate ground-breaking, innovative and sustainable solutions towards better health and well-being of Malaysian and global citizens. While breakthroughs in biomedical sciences has been driving the advances in healthcare, it is crucial to incorporate other disciplines in creating effective translation of our research towards a wholesome individual and society. We embrace various expertise and stakeholders with differing perspectives to focus innovation in making a meaningful and lasting impact, on selected focus areas in 2019-2021.
Universiti Malaya has traditionally been strong in fundamental research. The Frontiers of the Natural World Cluster, or Frontiers in short, strives to ensure continued positive development of the area. Fundamental or basic research is often defined as research fuelled by curiosity that attempts to gain "new" knowledge and insights that are not always directly applicable or immediately useful. However, we aim to take it one step further. We want to develop a culture whereby we are not only focused on gaining new knowledge, but form the outset have an idea or intent for where the knowledge generated can, and will be applied. We would also like to incorporate a culture where interdisciplinary research is the norm.
The present situations in life and society are considered an improvement compared to the past and it is envisaged that the future situations will be better than those of present times. This social progression allows the advancement of a group of individuals or institutions to move upwards in terms of income, wealth, and education. The impact of this social advancement is expected to create a more inclusive, civilised and happy society.
The Social Advancement and Happiness Cluster, in the next three years (2019 to 2021) will focus on interdisciplinary research themes particularly culture heritage and civilization, behavioural studies, smart societies and education for the future.
Last Update: 13/07/2023